July 28, 2011

Susan Charles has been awarded the
2011 Richard Kalish Innovative Publication Award
from the Gerontological Society of America
Susan Charles' faculty webpage
Click read more below for award details.
The Richard Kalish Innovative Publication Award recognizes insightful and innovative publications on aging and life course development in the behavioral and social sciences. Any empirical or conceptual publication which represents state-of-the-art thinking in aging and life course development is eligible for the award provided it is in English and was published in the last three years.
Professor Charles received the award for her article "Strength and Vulnerability Integration (SAVI): A Model of Emotional Well-Being in Later Adulthood", published in Psychological Bulletin, 136, 1068-1091, 2010.
She will receive the award at the Gerontological Society of America's annual conference in November in Boston.