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Affiliated Faculty and Lecturers

Affiliated Faculty


  Isabel F. Almeida
  Assistant Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies
  Specializations: Latina pregnancy, reproductive health, pregnancy anxiety, stress, mental health, health psychology


Drew H. Bailey
Professor, School of Education
Specializations: Education, Evolutionary Psychology



  Larry Cahill
  Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior
  Specializations: Neural mechanisms of emotionally influenced memory, sex differences in brain


  Maritza Salazar Campo
  Assistant Professor of Organization and Management, Paul Merage School of Business
  Specializations: Team Science, Group dynamics and processes, Team-based organizations, Global teams, Impact of culture on work behavior, International management, Management of innovation and learning


Belinda Campos
Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies with appointments in School of Medicine, PRIME-LC, and Psychological Science
Specializations: Culture, Relationships, Positive Emotion, Health


   Gustavo Carlo
   Professor, School of Education
   Research Interests: Prosocial and moral development, cultural mechanisms, personality, parenting, child and adolescent development



Nadia Chernyak
Assistant Professor, Cognitive Sciences
Specializations: cognitive development, social cognition, prosocial behavior, moral cognition, agency and free will, conceptual development



Greg Duncan
Distinguished Professor, Education
Specializations: Economics of Education, Program Evaluation, Child Development


  Christine Dunkel Schetter
  Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Psychology UCLA
  Specializations: Stress and coping processes; social support; biopsychosocial processes in pregnancy, preterm delivery, low birth weight and other maternal/infant outcomes; and women’s reproductive health.



Jacquelynne Eccles
Distinguished Professor, Education
Specializations: Academic Motivation and Achievement, School and Family Influences on Adolescent Development, Gender and Ethnicity in STEM Fields


Michelle A. Fortier
Professor, Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
Specializations: Pediatric Pain, Pediatric Psycho-oncology, Palliative Care, Health Disparities, Community-Engaged Research Methods, Integrative Health, Health Information Technology, Stress and Health



 E. Alison Holman
 Professor, Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
 Specializations: Acute stress & cardiovascular disease; genetic vulnerability to stress-related mental/physical health problems; cognitive, social and emotional response to trauma.


Michael A Hoyt
Professor and Chair, Population Health and Disease Prevention, Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health
Specializations: Cancer Survivorship, Coping, Adjustment to Chronic Illness, Psychoneuroimmunology, Biobehavioral Mechanisms and Interventions, Stress 




 Judith Kroll
 Distinguished Professor, Language Science, School of Social Sciences
 Specializations:  psycholinguistics, bilingualism, second language acquisition, language production, lexical processing, reading, visual cognition, gender and science


  Sarah R. Martin
  Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, School of Medicine
  Research Interests:    pediatric pain, pediatric psychology, healthcare disparities, emergency medicine



 Ariel B. Neikrug
 Associate Clinical Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
 School of Medicine
 Specializations:  Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, Physical Activity, Chronic Disease, Mood, Functioning, Quality of Life

 Uma Rao
 Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
 School of Medicine
 Specializations:  Adolescent mood disorders, substance use disorders, obesity and pain

  Madhu Reddy
  Professor, Department of Informatics
  Specializations: Challenges of using health information technology in clinical settings, Improving the delivery of mental health services


Stephanie Reich
Professor, Education
Specializations: Child Development, Parenting, Peer Interactions, Media, Program Evaluation


Sabrina Schuck
Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics
Specializations: ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Disorders of Reading and Written Language, Human-Animal Intervention, Non-pharmacological treatment of disruptive behavior, Cognitive-Behavioral school-based and family-based interventions

Eric Spangenberg
Dean of The Paul Merage School of Business and Professor of Paul Merage School of Business; Psychological Science
Specializations: Sensory cues in the retail environment and the effects of self-prediction on behavior


Mark Steyvers
Professor, Cognitive Sciences
Specializations: Wisdom of Crowds; Aggregating human judgments; Computational models of the mind; Machine Learning and Statistics; Memory and Decision Making


  Jane K. Stoever
  Clinical Professor of Law
  Specializations: Domestic violence law, family law, clinical legal theory, feminist legal theory



 Golnaz Tabibnia
 Assistant Researcher, Department of Psychological Science
 Specializations: Affective neuroscience, self-regulation, decision-making, clinical neuroscience, resilience

William Thompson
Professor Emeritus, Criminology, Law & Socieity
Specializations: Forensic Science; Expert Evidence; Human Judgment and Decision Making

Deborah Vandell
Professor, School of Education
Specializations: P-20 Education; Longitudinal Studies of Development

  Mark Warschauer
  Professor of Education and Informatics
  Specializations: Digital Learning; Language and Literacy; STEM; Diversity and Equity

Michael Yassa
Professor and Chancellor's Fellow, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Specializations: Integrative neuroscience research on learning and memory mechanisms with translational applications to education, technology, and clinical disorders

