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October 2009

Recent Study on Adolescents

Professor Beth Cauffman's research on adolescents' emotional maturity related to juvenile crime and legal accountability is featured in October's American Psychologist. For more  information, see the UCI article.



Elizabeth Loftus Honored

On October 15, Dr. Loftus, Distinguished Professor, accepts the Priestley Award from Dickinson College, its most prestigious acknowledgement for achievement in the sciences.  She was selected for the 2009 award for her "work in the field of human memory research, particularly contributions to our understanding of childhood abuse and traumatic recovered memories."

The annual award is bestowed in memory of Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen. Past recipients of the award include l5 Nobel Laureates  (primarily in Chemistry, Medicine and Physics).   It was also awarded to Margaret Mead in 1971,  Carl Sagan in l975,  Stephen Jay Gould in name a few.  For more information about the award and past recipients, click here:
