The specialization in developmental psychology focuses on the development and adaptation of individuals across the life-span and the effects of variations in the social, physical, and cultural contexts of development at different points in the life-span. Coursework introduces students to developmental theories, concepts, and empirical research at all phases of the life course. The Developmental faculty and doctoral students share strong interests in problem-oriented research relevant to the improvement of individual and societal functioning.
Borelli, Jessica, Ph.D., Yale University
Attachment, parent-child relationships, developmental psychopathology, relational interventions, emotion, mental health
Cauffman, Elizabeth E., Ph.D., Temple University
Adolescent development, mental health, psychopathy, juvenile justice, female delinquency, legal and social policy
Charles, Susan T., Ph.D., University of Southern California
Emotional processes across the adult life span, subjective experience and cognitive processes, health and emotion
Chen, Chuansheng, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Cross-cultural psychology, socialization of achievement, adolescent development, brain imaging of language and mathematical learning
Guerra, Nancy, Ed.D., Harvard University
Heckhausen, Jutta, Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Life-span developmental psychology, motivation and developmental regulation in children, adolescents, and adults, control and health, cultural universals and differences in achievement behavior
Klemfuss, Zoe, Ph.D., Cornell University
Narrative development; children’s autobiographical memory; sociocontextual influences on children’s narrative, memory, and well-being; children’s eyewitness abilities
Levine, Linda J., Ph.D., The University of Chicago
Relations between cognitive and emotional development, how emotions influence attention and memory, the development of children's strategies for coping with negative emotions
Lukowski, Angela, Ph.D., The University of Minnesota
Memory development in infancy and early childhood; individual differences in long-term memory in infancy; the impact of early nutrition on development
Novaco, Raymond W., Ph.D., Indiana University
Anger, stress, violence, cognitive-behavioral interventions
Odgers, Candice, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Developmental and quantitative psychology; social inequalities and child health; new technologies and adolescent development
Quas, Jodi, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Memory development, the effects of stress on memory, emotional reactivity in childhood, childrens' involvement in the legal system, childrens' eyewitness testimony